• Hi Tech Polytechnic Institute - Slide
  • Hi Tech Polytechnic Institute - Slide

Mrs. Lutfun Nessa , 46 years, Thyroid Cancer

Lutfun Nessa, a 45-year-old woman, came from Tala, Shatkhira, having developed cancer in her thyroid gland, which involved skin and entered the chest cavity, three years ago. She was operated locally one and a half years ago. But, unfortunately, the operation was not successful. She came to us eight months ago when the disease had advanced even more. Through an operation, we removed the cancer. She was advised to take Radioactive Iodine therapy after the operation within 30 days, but was unable to afford the treatment as her husband is a poor daily labourer. Later she took radio-iodin treatment. After few days the disease returned in the neck and axilla. Her axilla and neck were operated. She is now waiting for the costly radio-iodin ablation treatment again. She had been fighting with cancer for the last 3 years. Our foundation has been able to provide her some financial support, but she desperately needs more support for the days to come.

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Before operation
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After operation
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After 4 months
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