• Hi Tech Polytechnic Institute - Slide
  • Hi Tech Polytechnic Institute - Slide

Mr. Saydur , Day laborer , Cancer Larynx (Voice box)

A 40-year-old man from Gaibandha, 300 km away from Dhaka, has been suffering from cancer in the larynx (voice box) for the past three years. He had a complete change in voice. He was treated with chemo-radiation therapy, which was completed a year ago. However, a year and a half after his previous treatment, the cancer returned to his larynx. He came a long way to us, in search of a better opportunity to cure his pain. At this point, the only option was to remove his larynx by surgery, because radiation cannot be given in the neck for a second time. We operated on him, but, as he was a post-radiation patient, his wound broke down and he reached a very critical condition. Again, we filled up this gap using chest muscle. This battle continued for a month and a half. For the duration of his hospital stay, we gave him full support. Poor Syedul, who tragically lost his right hand six years ago in an accident while working in his industry and lost his job, had now lost his voice through surgery. Now it is especially difficult for him to run his family. Our foundation gave him support to buy a rickshaw van to start a business selling vegetables. Even with this, his future days remain challenging as he fights to survive.

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Big gap in the neck before operation
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Repaired by chest muscle
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Wound is healed
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Going home with wife